AO Center of Training

Personal training and development for a pain free life & optimal performance

Fascia treatment of the highest class and training to get stronger in your rehab or pre-season phys.

Fascia treatment

Personal training



Off-season training


At AO Training Center, we focus on the whole picture. Here, we offer everything from fascia treatment and rehabilitation to mental and physical training to optimize your potential. We are here to help you reach your full potential. Scroll down and contact one of our AO trainers today, or invest in our training programs that you can access anytime, anywhere, regardless of your goals and level.

Address: Lugnets Allé 5, Hammarby Sjöstad/Stockholm, Sweden

#Andreas Öhgren

“Everyone deserves to be pain free.”

Föreläsning för prestation & hälsa

Andreas Öhgren is speaker and the famous coach who has aided more than 60 Swedish and international NHL players in their personal and physical advancement. Andreas tailors all his speeches, and the essence consistently revolves around the individual, with an emphasis on both physical and psychological progression for optimal performance & health.
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For many years, Andreas has traveled around the world and worked with superstars. Andreas has helped over 60 Swedish and international NHL players, and it has been an absolutely fantastic and inspiring journey to see them become stronger and reach their full potential. He has also traveled with the Swedish and American alpine skiing teams and trained the German coaches in their alpine organization. Pain-free training and development know no boundaries. My heart lies in sports, with players, and seeing them achieve their goals.

"I want to take training and rehabilitation to new levels, not only in Sweden but worldwide. Everyone deserves to live pain-free, and for that, we need to consider the whole picture. Humans are not robots, and with our amazing AO Center, we now have several trainers who work according to AO's successful methods for training, nutrition, and recovery."


  • Lectures - performance, health and mindset
  • Podcast - podcast host "Power Pod" and guested many different podcasts before
  • Online-training for fitness entusiasts, elite- & professional athletes
  • Onlineutbildningar på AO Academy
  • Försäsongsträning för professionella & elit-idrottare
  • Fasciabehandling & träning internationellt och nationellt för professionella idrottare
  • Founder of AO Performance
  • Movement specialist
  • Educator in Fascia: Training & Treatment
  • Sports Performance Coach
  • Nutrition optimization
  • Mindset Coach
  • Professionell fystränare inom sport och idrott

#Pontus Wigert Hjelm

"We have a body and a task: to take care of it and feel alive."

Träna som en idrottare

Personal training for those who want to become stronger, faster, and more powerful in their daily life and performance. By training like an athlete, you gain incredible benefits that extend beyond the physical. You develop drive, commitment, goal-setting, mental toughness, and much more! Do you want to reach your potential? Schedule your session with Pontus.
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We are given a body, and if we don't tailor our training to fit our lifestyle, we do it a disservice. There is rarely talk about learning to listen to our bodies and basing our workouts on our daily condition, which surprises me as a former elite athlete. Preparation and self-awareness are just as important as discipline and consistency. For me, the sense of community has been a driving factor that has brought joy to my training. Because where there is joy, there is love for what we do, and where there is love for what we do, progress follows.

  • Fascia treatment - for pain relief & reduction in your body
  • PT - personal training to help your physical growth & performance
  • Hockey conditioning - conditioning for your hockey teams
  • Summercamp & Off-season training with AO
  • Fasciabehandling via AO
  • Fascia Träning via AO
  • Hockey performance, optimisation and mindset
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Conditioning for elite athletes and fitness enthusiasts

#Mikael Zander

"Ta hand om dig och investera i det bästa du har - din egen hälsa"

Fascia treatment

Har du smärtor i kroppen som aldrig riktigt helt försvinner? Kom på en fasciabehandling där Mikael hjälper dig lösa grundorsaken, istället för att lindra symptom. För du behöver inte leva med smärta! Boka en behandling idag för att skapa resultat som håller.
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Människan är skapt för rörelse. Genom denna förmåga kan vi njuta av olika sport- och fritidsaktiviteter som vi uppskattar mest. Förutsättningen är dock optimal rörlighet utan smärta i muskler, leder och vävnad. Den insikten förde mig in i tränarvärlden för mer än femton år sedan.

Genom åren har min nyfikenhet och lekfullhet inneburit att jag ägnat mig åt ett flertal sporter med stor bredd alltifrån tennis, löpning, styrketräning, karate, segling, vindsurfing, skidåkning och skärmflygning. Jag har ett helhetsperspektiv på hälsa och min drivkraft är att coacha dig mot de träningsmål du vill uppnå oavsett om det handlar om att bestiga Mount Everest eller kunna lyfta ditt barnbarn utan smärta.

Varmt välkommen att höra av dig för en kostnadsfri konsultation!

  • Fascia treatment
  • Prehab
  • Rehab
  • Funktionell träning
  • Coaching
  • Viktstabilisering
  • Seniorträning
  • AO Fasciabehandlare
  • AO Fascia Träning
  • Hälsoinformatör
  • Nutritional guidance

#Ulrika Thoors

“Prehab yourself before you rehab yourself.”


Do you need assistance with an injury or body pain? Ulrika has a strong background in sports medicine and can help you return to your everyday life, training, and competitions! Don't wait, book a consultation now!
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I work from all aspects to provide you with optimal conditions to achieve new results in your training and avoid the risk of getting stuck in the rehabilitation swamp. Regardless of your goals - whether it's health, pregnancy, sports, or elite performance - we set a plan that helps you develop and strengthen both physically and mentally. We assess everything: training, recovery, nutrition, and mindset, in order to create a sustainable path that is tailored specifically for you.

  • Screening – för lagidrottare och individuella idrottare
  • Rehab & Prehab – för smärtfri återgång till idrott, tävling och vardagsliv
  • Fascia treatment
  • Gruppträning – träning i grupp för motionärer
  • PT – personlig träning
  • Fasciabehandling via AO
  • Fascia Träning via AO
  • Sports Medicine Physiotherapist
  • Rehab for sports injuries

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